Ritratti nobili

Ritratti nobili, 1990-tallet

Luciano Monti

21 x 21.8 cm.

© Luciano Monti

Om fotografen

Luciano Monti is an Italian photographer. In 1984 he got a Degree in English Language and Literature, but he stopped teaching for photography in 1997. In 1999 he published a book on AMERICAN LANDSCAPE and starts working on Italian Landscape. The large 35x42cm book “RITRATTI NOBILI” collects a series of 47 wonderfully printed 30 x 30cm duotones; the photos are portraits of Venetian aristocrats in the enormous spaces of their Villas, Palaces and Castles; the series can be considered as environmental portraits since they both concern people and architecture; introduction by John Phillips; texts including name, surname, family title(e.g. count/prince…),name and location of the building and year of realization.
Luciano Monti