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William Ropp
46.3 x 31 cm.
© William Ropp
Om fotografen
William Ropp is a photographer and photo-artist, best known for his series of portraits. He lives and works in France.
Ropp made his first series of black-and-white photographs in 1988: those were images of human figures reflected in distorting mirrors. Ropp continued working with the human body in the studio, experimenting with lighting and photographic technology.
In the early 90’s, he found the style that would make him famous: Ropp would plunge figures of models, which, as it is, perplexed the viewer with the complexity of their intricate postures, into darkness and “paint” their body outlines with a bright beam of light. He would increase the exposure time to 10 minutes to make the image a bit blurred but would focus one’s attention on the main thing: the eyes, the facial expression, the shoulder line, or the arm’s expressive curve.
William Ropp